The Church Year

The “Church Year” calendar is structured around the marvelous acts of salvation that God completed for us in His son, Jesus Christ.  Lectionary summaries and corresponding readings (Three-Year Series and One-Year Series) can be accessed and downloaded through our sister Synod, The LCMS, Here.

The calendar can be categorized into three sections:


The Time of Christmas

  • Advent Season
  • Christmas Season
  • Epiphany Season

The Time of Easter

  • Lenten Season
  • Holy Week
  • Easter Season

The Time of the Church

  • The Season after Pentecost


  • The Season of the Holy Trinity

We are in The Time of Easter

The Season of Lent

In All Your Ways

Sermon Text: Psalm 91:1-12

Holy Moses

Sermon Text: Deuteronomy 34:1-12

Through Hell and Back

Sermon Text: Genesis 45:3-15

Confessor of the Faith

Sermon Text: Jeremiah 17:5-8

Holy Places

Sermon Text: Isaiah 6:1-7

Mary's Little Lamb

Sermon Text: Luke 2:22-24

Dividing the Word

Sermon Text: Ezra 8:1-10

The Great Exchange

Sermon Text: Isaiah 62:1-5

Called through the Gospel

Sermon Text: Isaiah 43:1

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