Youth Confirmation

Mondays at 7:00 pm

Youth Confirmation is a two year period of instruction, typically beginning upon entry into grade 7. During Year A, students learn the doctrines of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as they are summarized in Luther’s Small Catechism. During Year B, students read through the Holy Scriptures.

Students who complete both Year A and B and desire to become members of Mount Calvary Lutheran Church will be invited to participate in the Rite of Confirmation.

Each Youth Confirmation student requires the Faith Alive Student Bible (ESV) and Luther’s Small Catechism with Explanation – 2017 Edition. These resources are provided by Mount Calvary.

A new component of Youth Confirmation is an eight-lesson course in which students learn to understand the various parts of the Divine Service. This course, which is intended for family use in a home setting, has been made available for download here:

Biblical Sources of Lutheran Worship (with discussion questions)

Adult Catechesis

Mondays at 8:00 pm

Adult Catechesis offers instruction in the doctrines of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as they are summarized in Luther’s Small Catechism. Public profession of these doctrines is required to receive Holy Communion at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church.

Students who complete the instruction period and desire to become members of Mount Calvary Lutheran Church will be invited to participate in the Rite of Reception of New Members.

Each student receives Luther’s Small Catechism with Explanation – 2017 Edition. In addition, this year, our group will be studying the following the following title:

Luther’s Large Catechism

Contact Pastor Heide to ask about opportunities for Adult Catechesis.