Our Pastor


Rev. Travis Heide resides in Swift Current, SK with his wife, Suzanne. He serves the congregations of Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church in Swift Current and Trinity Lutheran Church in Ponteix.

Travis is the son of LAMP Missionary Rev. Randy Heide. He is also the oldest of three brothers. Travis was baptized at First Lutheran Church in Lloydminster, SK on August 4th, 1991.

Travis holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Trinity Western University in Langley, BC, and went on to study theology at Concordia Lutheran Seminary in Edmonton, AB. While at Trinity, he studied Modern Languages and served as a student leader with the International Student Program.

With the Global Gathering Place in Saskatoon, Travis helped stage an amateur production starring immigrants and refugees from Africa, China, Spain, and the Former Soviet Union telling their real-life stories.

During his seminary training, Travis served as vicar at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Medicine Hat, AB, and at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Kitimat, BC. It was in Kitimat he fostered a black cat named Astérix and went saltwater fishing for the first time.

Travis’ fondest memory from seminary was a travel study to Thailand with three of his classmates and Rev. Dr. James Gimbel. While studying Eastern religions there, they made acquaintance with artist Carol Harms and her missionary husband, Leonard, as well as the indigenous Lutheran Hour Ministries centre.

Travis is also grateful to Faith Lutheran Church in Vermilion, AB and St Paul Lutheran Church in Manville for the opportunity to preach there. He also served a South Sudanese Nuer congregation in Edmonton.

Travis’ passions are for literature, music, film, and performing arts. He enjoys photography and outdoor pursuits, as well as sampling coffee.

On June 16th, 2020, Pastor Heide was ordained at his home congregation of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Warman, SK.